Sunday, February 22, 2015

Club Killers Apparel Commercial

This was an exciting shoot for me because I got to film a commercial on my own company's product for Advertising Production class. Club Killers is a company that focuses on DJs and anyone who generally loves music, through music and video production, as well as through clothing. This particular commercial was for our clothing brand. The talent was my friend DJ Earwaxxx, who DJs many clubs around the strip. We filmed it in the video room at The Art Institute of Las Vegas, utilizing the green screen. The equipment I used for this shoot was the Lumix GH4 4K camera, a crane jib, a tripod, and some Arri lights to evenly light the green screen, as well as my subject. The most difficult part of the shoot was lighting the green screen evenly with the amount of lights we had, because we also needed to shoot his whole body from head to toe. We did a lot of multiple takes - wide, medium, and closeups with the different outfits on. It took us about three hours for the entire shoot and I feel the final product came out very well. But, if I were to do it again I would tried directing him a little better with his actions and have taken a lot more wide shots of him.

You can watch the full commercial by clicking here

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