Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Say Goodbye Short Film

This is behind the scenes of the short film 'Say Goodbye' that I directed for Short Media Production class. This film was about two women who play with a Ouija board and one of them gets haunted and killed at the end by a ghost. I had to make sure my two actresses were comfortable with using a real Ouija board because some people are just freaked about what can happen if you do play with it and it responds. Luckily, my two actresses thought it would be fun and they were actually asking it questions, however nothing happened and they just physically moved the planchette themselves when filming. In this particular shot, I wanted my actress' hair to move like it was being brushed by a ghost so I decided to use a blow dryer to make it happen. I knew I would have to re-record the dialogue and audio so the sound of the blow dryer was not an issue. The equipment I used was a Lumix GH4 4K camera, several different lenses, LED light panels, tripod, glidecam, and a crane jib. It took us a total of 8 hours to shoot the whole film, and I learned a lot after I edited the whole project. There were a lot of things I could have done better, some of the shots could have been improved with better framing. I definitely want to re-shoot it with the same actresses. 

You can watch the trailer by clicking here!

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